Rebekah Dorn, Ph.D.
Assistant Director of User Experience
Florida State University
Rebekah Dorn, Ph.D. is the Assistant Director of User Experience at Florida State University. Her team is responsible for the myFSU mobile, myFSU portal, and the overall user experience of custom applications at FSU. Rebekah’s prior university experience includes Communication Coordinator and Director of Professional Development for the Division of Student Affairs, and ITS Business Analyst. Rebekah has her Ph.D. In Instructional Design, MS in Higher Education, and BA in Communications from FSU. She is involved in several nonprofit organizations in the local community and is a mom of three young children.
Florida State University
Rebekah Dorn, Ph.D. is the Assistant Director of User Experience at Florida State University. Her team is responsible for the myFSU mobile, myFSU portal, and the overall user experience of custom applications at FSU. Rebekah’s prior university experience includes Communication Coordinator and Director of Professional Development for the Division of Student Affairs, and ITS Business Analyst. Rebekah has her Ph.D. In Instructional Design, MS in Higher Education, and BA in Communications from FSU. She is involved in several nonprofit organizations in the local community and is a mom of three young children.