Lacey Olson
Assistant to the Director of Residential Life
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lacey is responsible for Residential Life marketing, communications, social media, and strategic initiatives for over 13,300 on-campus students in 52 residence halls and related audiences of prospective students, families and staff. Lacey manages the Residential Life Social Media Team and also serves as the primary responsible party for the My UMass (formerly Living at UMass) one-stop App designed to keep students informed of key policies, procedures, and events. App content includes emergency procedures, incident reports, campus navigation tools, event calendars, and more.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lacey is responsible for Residential Life marketing, communications, social media, and strategic initiatives for over 13,300 on-campus students in 52 residence halls and related audiences of prospective students, families and staff. Lacey manages the Residential Life Social Media Team and also serves as the primary responsible party for the My UMass (formerly Living at UMass) one-stop App designed to keep students informed of key policies, procedures, and events. App content includes emergency procedures, incident reports, campus navigation tools, event calendars, and more.