United States Military Academy at West Point
Colonel Deborah J. McDonald was appointed by President George W. Bush as a Professor of the United States Military Academy and the fifth Director of Admissions on August 1, 2008.
Col. McDonald, a native of Newport, R.I., held the position of Deputy Director of Admissions for the United States Military Academy at West Point from March 2004 through September 2007 and became the Acting Director October 1, 2007.
Upon graduation from the United States Military Academy in 1985, Col. McDonald was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Transportation Corps. Col. McDonald has served in a wide variety of field assignments, first as a platoon leader in the 471st Light Truck Company, then as an assistant S2/3 at the 47th Combat Support Battalion, both at Fort Sill, Okla. After completing the Transportation Officers Advanced Course, she served as the Combat Support Battalion Adjutant before assuming command of the 104th Medium Truck Company at Fort Devens, Mass., where she deployed as a separate company in support of Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Her company provided long-haul transportation, primarily hauling water, ammunition, and food in support of XVIII Airborne Corps Operations in theater. Upon completion of her command, she spent four years at Fort Campbell, Ky., as the 101st Corps Support Group Transportation Officer, Brigade S-4, and as Inspector General with the 101st Airborne Division (AASLT). She was the battalion Executive Officer and battalion S-3 of the 58th Transportation Battalion at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and is on her third assignment with the Directorate of Admissions Office at West Point.