- 1:00 PM40mBreakout 1: Beyond the Mobile App to Desktop, Creating a Seamless User ExperienceSpeaker: Rebekah Dorn, Director of User Experience ITS, FSU Creating an optimal user experience is something that students not only expect, but also demand from today’s institution. To meet that need, Florida State University has developed a comprehensive digital experience plan, by leveraging technologies from mobile apps to desktop, and everything in between. We are able to provide the user with a personalized experience that reduces clicks/logins, improves navigation, and speeds up response times/downloads. Specifically, hear how FSU is pushing the bounds of XModule to create a desktop experience that not only compliments the mobile experience, but also opens up new functionality to improve the user’s experience.
- 1:00 PM40mBreakout 2: Student Information and Data Integrations Made EasySpeakers: Felecia Flack, Assistant Vice President - Information Services, Chris Lewis, Director of Learning Management and Technical Services, and Bill Richards, Senior Project Manager, Northern Michigan University Join folks from Northern Michigan University to learn more about how they are transforming their mobile app using XModule for Banner ERP integration and Communicate to facilitate personalized communication.
- 1:40 PM45mBreakout 1: Leveraging Mobile Technology to Develop Whole StudentsSpeaker: Jeff Dillion, Director, Web & Mobile Services, Sac State Nearly 40% of college students in the United States report a significant mental health issue and 20% of students nationwide report suicidal ideation. College students today are facing increasingly complex challenges ranging from food insecurity, homelessness, and mental health diagnoses. As technology has emerged to enhance learning in the classroom, there is also an opportunity to consider how mobile apps and other technology can contribute to student success in other aspects of their collegiate experience, specifically to meet students’ basic needs. Sacramento State will share their progress and plans to leverage mobile technology on their campus and the efforts underway within the entire 23 campus CSU system to provide a critical level of support for students.
- 1:40 PM45mBreakout 2: Mobile Integration Strategies Panel DiscussionSpeaker: Kiran Kodithala, Founder, President, and CEO, N2N The session will highlight different integration methodologies to support SIS integration with mobile devices. The panel will feature institutions who have adopted various strategies such as API based integrations with Modo and those that are currently in production. Customers attending this session will hear firsthand peer experiences and from the CEO of N2N.
- 2:25 PM40mBreakout 1: Best Practices for Relevant and Engaging Mobile CommunicationsSpeaker: Abby Hollins, Director of Marketing, Cowley College The speed of communication distribution with the world of mobile applications is accelerating with each moment. And your student’s expectations are rising! Don’t panic. With an innovative communication strategy you can take your mobile app from transactional to culturally transformational. In this session you will learn how the official Cowley College app – CowleyGo – was guided by the marketing department to create an integrated approach to campus engagement. The best practices will reflect how you can share key information with students during the most visible times but also strategically have fun with your app! This session will leave you with ideas and methodologies to personalize your own communication strategy that positions your app to be one of the favorites with your student population.
- 2:25 PM40mBreakout 2: Driving Success by DesignSpeaker: Eric Kim, Co-Founder & VP of Design, Modo
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