Tuesday Videos
Welcome + Opening Keynote
Welcome: Dr. Dianne F. Harrison, President, Cal State Northridge
Opening Keynote: Hilary J. Baker, Vice President for IT/CIO, Cal State Northridge
Opening Keynote: Hilary J. Baker, Vice President for IT/CIO, Cal State Northridge
Leveraging Mobile as a Strategic Platform to Achieve Institutional Goals
Speaker: Navneet Johal, Ovum
Increasing Student Engagement Through Mobile
Speaker: Santhana Naidu, Indiana State University
Event and Special Purpose Apps
Moderator: Paul Schantz, Cal State Northridge
Speakers: David Terrazas, Colgate University
Bryan Wolf, Maine Maritime Academy
Scott Campbell, UMass Amherst
Speakers: David Terrazas, Colgate University
Bryan Wolf, Maine Maritime Academy
Scott Campbell, UMass Amherst
Mobile Apps are Best With Live Interactive Data Feeds
Speakers: Kee Chang, Cal State Northridge
Sean Choi, Cal State Northridge
Kyle Shaver, Cal State Northridge
Kevin Moore, Cal State Northridge
Sean Choi, Cal State Northridge
Kyle Shaver, Cal State Northridge
Kevin Moore, Cal State Northridge
Managing App Proliferation
Speaker: Rose Rocchio, UCLA
Optimizing Web Performance
Speakers: Dave Olsen, West Virginia University
Responsive Web Design? Apps? Or Both?
Moderator: Andrew Yu, Modo Labs
Speakers: Marty Johnson, Georgetown University
Dave Olsen, West Virginia University
Rose Rocchio, UCLA
Speakers: Marty Johnson, Georgetown University
Dave Olsen, West Virginia University
Rose Rocchio, UCLA
Mobile Accessibility
Kate Sharron, Cal State Northridge